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Reasons for You not Send your Photos to Jetphotos, Airliners and Airplane-Pictures

That nice continuous sound of the camera photographing the plane in front of you ... "Fu ... flip! flip! flip "

"This is bad, this other is legally and that other here was excellent, I will submit to Jetphotos, Airplane-Pictures and Airliners!"

For God's sake ! Stop the world I wanna get out it! Spotters worldwide has sacrificed to expose their beautiful images in some aviation photo website! Sometimes they spend hours behind a Photoshop or Lightroom editing to submit on websites such as: Airplane-Pictures, Jetphotos and Airliners.

Taking pictures airplanes is yummy! For me, it is a therapy and especially for those who like to see these birds flying through the man-made world!

I myself, already sent hundreds of photos to these websites and these images are still there, to have a video tutorial on YouTube teaching how to edit these photos for them! Today, I am ashamed of having wasted my time to submit my photographic eye hosting my photos on Jetphotos, Airliners, Airplane-Pictures, etc!

Okay, everyone has their taste, and upload photos to the website you want!

Certain day, on the mezzanine level of the International Airport of São Paulo in Guarulhos, I was looking through the glass the movements of airplanes and alongside there were a few spotters (people who shoot airplanes for free or hobby) putting their conversations day.

My the hots for shooting that day turned out there! Hear the ones spotters talking about photos that were rejected and approved the Jetphotos website, Airplane-Pictures and Airliners, finally, those websites that you for quite some moment should already have stolen some photos without asking permission to the author of the image to put on wallpaper from your computer, phone or tablet.

In my thoughts echoed: "How much devaluation of work and time lost."

Dear colleague, you been to the airport, made a most beautiful image photo enviable leave to your friends. Has come to his house, has spent about ten minutes by editing this photo, you submit the image in one or all of these website, waited on average a week to seventeen days ... And answer you take one - "PHOTO REJECTED" or much luck took a "APPROVED PHOTO!"

I'm sorry you spotter! Who agrees to take a "trial" for a being who spends the day and must have the square ass of so much sitting analyzing your photos and other spotters, who either never saw his face and sends you a response to your e-mail such as: "GRAIN; NOISE; DARK, or SHARPNESS NO ', and look there is still he answers you with a' DIGITAL MANIPULATION '.

Or do you think that these website screeners that analyzes your photos are professional photographers formed in photographs? It may even be! But I assure you that some of there just plane photographed throughout their lives and already think the "photographers of the International Air Space"!

"Come on man! However my picture was approved as soon of First! She was very well photographed, framed, little needed to edit it! Has won numerous views, ranked among the most viewed photos in the last 24 hours, won many likes!"

Interesting! You nothing more, nothing less, is feeding website, and they cashing a few dollars on the content you generate thinking and getting your photo for free! Just so you have an idea they have a chance to to profit in 1000 views of a single page visited. And you? Nothing! Oh, I was forgetting – the profit of the members who pay a month to have the privilege of having pictures in exclusively website database without having to pick up the queue to analyze photos and upload limit!  – That's ridiculous!!!!

Another reason is that you come across lot of the ads that has round their websites (some even criminalizing the Google ad policy). What ads? You know those ads with the theme "aviation" that appears around your photo published in theirs page? You might think airlines look theirs websites and someday they will see your photo to be on board magazine cover?! Colleague airlines little bit is you for caring for these types of websites and for your photos! Instead, advertisers and people of airline marketings make fun of a "spotter" few know what they are!

And to put the icing on this cake disgusting, there are those spotters who has the most viewed photo or has photos on these websites database and appears on the facebook posting your links devaluing the name and work! After all, there are very few advertising photographers branch "aviation" has hosted photos on these wesites!

Who was not born to be head will live as tail! If you want to be a person recognized for his photographic work. Cherish your clicks and reflects where you are hosting your images! Create your own website, today there are several free website builders and that in the future you can pay yearly to have your own website domain and valuing your project!

Spend time with you learning more about photography with experienced people, present your work in other places that host photos, places where true photographers host your images, for example, 500px and Flickr websites (these have pictures of various genres and you'll also developing other postures and photographic techniques), or even on social media, create a page for your work on Facebook or Instagram.

Ride your price list, for you do not "give" in exchange for ego fame  of wanting to see your photo on the cover page or without charging any cost if someday magazines, companies or video producers seek you. Because once you do this, you are destroying a professional who studied, has qualified to act in the market and living from his work as a photographer!

This world of photography by airplanes may be better respected if each be wiser and have a focus on which rung you want to achieve!

Your photo may be the most beautiful, but for me it loses my interest to see their work and hosted pictures on website Airplane-Pictures, Jetphotos, Airliners, etc!

Mais Lidas

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